A brand-new comedy written and created by celebrated comedy duo Max & Ivan with co-writer Andrew Ellard. Deep Heat is produced by SLAM Films and directed by BAFTA-winning Matt Lipsey.
The 6 x 30” series follows quick-witted, rebellious Holly (Jahannah James), a frustrated wannabe wrestler facing the challenge of a lifetime. When all of Boss Pro’s top wrestlers are poached by her brother Nick Nitro (Richard Fleeshman), Holly’s mum, Pam (Pippa Haywood) is left devastated as it looks as though it’s game over for the North West’s oldest pro-wrestling company. But, if Holly can bring together Boss Pro’s remaining gang of misfits, the company might just survive…if only Pam would allow Holly to wrestle herself.
We join the Boss Pro crew as they look toward a summer of slams and self-discovery – can our underdogs come together and come out on top to put on the show of a lifetime?
Our brilliant Abby Russell plays the series reg role of Mango in the series.